Wednesday 14 January 2015

Memory Matters

Memory Matters!
January 13, 2015

This week in PLC we discussed the role of memory in our students' learning. We asked ourselves what our earliest memories were and how we can improve the memory of our students. We discussed how the early childhood time period (infant-two years old) is crucial for building a foundation for our memory. Here are some take-aways we came up with:

- Stimulating a child's whole body (not simply their mind) improves memory.
- We can continue to work on developing our memories, even as adults.
- Repetitiveness is the key to memory. Flashcards and repeated routines are two methods to help improve students memories.
- Actions, actions, actions! The more the students move, the more their whole body is being involved and triggering their memory. 
- Brain breaks are a great idea to use between subjects as transition and to help prepare our students' minds to remember what they are learning. As teachers, it is advised that we have brain breaks every 20-30 minutes. 

Goal: We all agree to try a brain break in our classroom in these next two weeks and see how it goes.